looking for a social media EXPERT...?

Elevate your Brand with Trusted Social Media Agency in Pune

Don’t let your brand get lost in the crowded social media landscape. Join forces with E Giraffes, the leading social media marketing agency in Pune today and experience a transformative Social Media Marketing journey that will set your brand apart from the herd. Stand out, engage, and succeed with us!

We implement “Explosive Proven Strategies” to Boost Your Social Media Presence


E Giraffes, one of the most trusted social media marketing agency in Pune, is your key to enhancing brand presence. We have a portfolio of reputed brands which trusted us for enhancing their Brand presence on Social Media. 

Social Media is a powerful way for businesses of all sizes to reach prospective customers using Social Media Platforms like LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, Reddit, Quora, etc.

The latest analysis shows that 3.96 billion people use social media today, accounting for roughly 51% of the global population.

Our Diversified Social
Media Marketing Services

Examine a choice of social media marketing services that are suited to your specific requirements. Despite the growth in developing platforms, many people still choose the tried-and-true favourites. Investigate some of the main platforms that ease the process to find the most efficient social media marketing services in Pune.

Benefits of HIRING a Social Media MARKETING Agency

Social media agency platforms use the power of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in its algorithms to reach a large set of targeted audience. For businesses, this is an excellent way to Target their potential clients on the basis of Age, Gender, Interest, Location, Education, Job, Lifestyle etc. depending on which platform you are advertising. Hiring an efficient social media agency is key to winning in the Social game. 

A growing number of brands use Social media to Improve their Brand Awareness by conveying ideas, educating clients, launching new products and establishing your brand presence. We help you choose the correct platform based on your business needs, create impactful content and do Brand outreach to the Target audience.

More Inbound Traffic to Website

Social media is one of the few ways to connect directly with your audience. When a brand posts an awesome piece of content, lots of people engage with it which increases your reputation as an expert in your niche/ domain. Out of this lot, some people definitely visit your website to complete the buying process. Leads coming through this strategy are called Inbound leads.

Higher Conversion Rates

Although social media might not directly do the sale, it greatly helps in better conversions by removing doubts & uncertainties, infusing Social Proof (of happy clients), creating content that solves user problems or provides answers to their questions. This goes a long way in bringing your prospects many steps closer to converting with you. E Giraffes, a leading digital marketing agency in Pune consults you how to maximise on such leads & improve conversions. 

Access to Paid Advertising service

If you have the resources to invest in marketing and want to achieve quantifiable goals then paid social media marketing is the way to go. Paid Social media marketing campaigns can achieve a variety of your business goals like Generating leads, Increasing Likes, Boosting engagement, Driving your customers to a website or even convert.

Tailored To Your Exact Needs

Social media helps advertisers reach the relevant set of audience on the basis of:

  1.  Geography i.e, Country, Region, City, Postal code etc.
  2.  Demographics i.e, Gender, Age, Education, relationship status, Income, ethnic affinity etc.
  3. Language-Based on which language the target audience interacts online.
  4. Interest-based on what the target audience is interested in.
  5. Keywords -this is a highly customisable set
  6. Devices- this includes Devices, operating systems even network, operators
  7. Your customer data- Platforms like Facebook & Twitter allows advertisers to upload customer data from their CRM which can then be used to reach them on their social profiles.
Promoting your products & services

Product/ Service is the soul of all marketing efforts thereby the most sought after too. You can create conversations related to your products, get feedback, ask questions about products/ services, launch new products, inform about updates on existing products etc. etc. the possibilities are truly endless. 

Improved Search Engine Ranking

Though Social media is not a direct ranking factor on Google but there are several ways it does impact Organic presence:

  • Links: When you post amazing content on your platforms, more people will see it and would like to Link to it. 
  • Improves CTR: Click Through Rate can impact search engine rankings. Social media helps build brand awareness & audience, which increases the possibility of people clicking your brand name in Google searches.
  • Helps in promotion: You can use YouTube to promote your products as well as positively influence your Search engine optimization performance.
Highly Affordable

Social Media is so popular because it is a Free platform. Though there are paid options available but for the majority of activities it is free like posting, creating surveys, connecting with people, creating brand awareness etc. The only associated cost is investing time and resources to create share-worthy posts. 

So, what are you waiting for? Contact E Giraffes as your trusted Social Media Marketing Agency in Pune.

Why Use Social Media for your Business?

hours spent per day per person on social media
1 +
of social browsers use social media to research products
1 %
advertisers use Facebook ads on a regular basis
1 %
adults follow a brand on social media
1 %
Social media marketing platforms- E Giraffes

Schedule a 15-min expert session to discover how social media marketing and website designing can help you stand out. 

We love partnering with businesses to Take their Digital Presence to the next level. We create synergy by:

  • Planning & Strategising Media: We thrive in planning and strategizing media for businesses at our social media marketing agency in Pune. We skillfully advise you on which social platforms and mediums to use for maximum audience penetration, as well as what and how to publish efficiently.
  • Awesome Content Creation: You can rely on us for creating a gamut of content types like Interesting/ Catchy social media posts, Witty tweets, Attractive Imagery, Fun & Educative Videos, and a lot more.
  • Outreaching: We create engaging brand communities and get your brand presence felt among relevant audiences. High-quality content is shared with the most relevant niches, at the right time and at the right frequency which helps us get the desired results quickly. 

Frequently Asked Questions

The cost of a social media marketing agency is decided by both the approach chosen and the channels to be targeted.

As a leading social media marketing agency in Pune, E Giraffes sets itself apart by its unique concepts, data-driven approach, and experienced personnel.  We have top industry specialists that understand how to target advertising and boost brand recognition.

We mostly use social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

We send you campaign reports on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.